In loving memory of
Jeanna Rae Petty

In memory of my beloved mother, Jeanna Rae Petty.  

I am reaching out for your support. When my mom was diagnosed with dementia, I turned to Dementia Careblazers for invaluable support and guidance. Their caregiver support program was a lifeline, helping me to prioritize my own health while providing the best possible care for my mom.

Words cannot fully express the depth of my gratitude for the assistance I received during this challenging time. In honor of my mother, I am inspired to establish a scholarship so that other caregivers can access the same essential resources that were so beneficial to me.

Instead of flowers, I kindly request donations to assist other caregivers in need. Your contributions will directly fund access to the caregiver support program that made a significant difference in my life. Together, we can extend the same compassion and support to others facing similar challenges.

⬇︎ You can make an online donation to help another caregiver below ⬇︎

You can also mail donations to: 1902 W. Union Hills Dr. #42841 Phoenix AZ 85080
Please write Jeanna Ray Petty in the memo line.
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This page was put together by Dementia Careblazers at the request of Tamy Hicks.