How To Care For Someone With Dementia Without Losing Your Sanity, Life, and Self in the Process
Caring for a loved one with dementia requires a special approach. If you don't understand how the disease works, your attempts to help will usually just make things worse, wastes precious time, and worsen the relationship. Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes by preparing yourself as best as possible for what can be a long caregiving journey.
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Dementia Caregiver Survival Guide
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Dr. Natali is one of the few board certified geropsychologists in the entire country. She is the CEO of Dementia Careblazers and the host of the #1 dementia training channel on YouTube.
Inside This Free Guide, You Will:
Understand The Disease process so you can stop using the approaches that are making the relationship worse and causing the person with dementia to not trust you. Learn how the brain is impacted in dementia so you cab use the approaches that actually work.
Successfully Respond To Difficult Behaviors so you don't keep trying the same things over and over that aren't working. Learn how to reduce and prevent some of the most difficult behaviors.
Use Self-Care Tools that actually work. Self-care doesn't require extra time, money, or help. Self-care is available to you right now and can help you sleep better, reestablish friendships, and feel more calm.
Want to know the top dementia care strategies and tips? Then get this FREE guide filled with information healthcare professionals don't have the time to share with you during a quick visit.
This page was made with love and hope that the information can make your caregiving journey a bit easier.